Exams Nepal Study Room

184763 + Questions

Q1 MIC-2 mutation associated with:
A. Osteosarcoma
B. Ewing’s sarcoma
C. Alveolar soft tissue sarcoma
D. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberance
Q2 Which of the following is the most common non-alcoholic cause of acute pancreatitis?
A. Thiazides
B. Hypercalcemia
C. Hyperlipidemia
D. Gallstones
Q3 The length of the external auditory canal is:
A. 15 mm
B. 10 mm
C. 24 mm
D. 38 mm
Q4 tick the correct answer:
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
Q5 Transport of carbon monoxide (CO) is diffusion limited because:
A. High affinity of CO for haemoglobin
B. Alveolar membrane is less permeable to CO
C. CO crosses epithelial barrier slowly
D. On exposure to air there is sudden increase in partial pressure
Q7 Stapes footplate covers?
A. Round window
B. Oval window
C. Pyramid
D. Semicircular canal
Q8 The association areas are not responsible for
A. Intersensory associations
B. Communication
C. Regulation of sexual behaviour
D. Memory
Q9 Ixodidae (Hard ticks) ticks transmit
A. Human babesiosis
B. Tularaemid
C. Tick typhus
D. all of above
Q10 In which of the following notochord is present in embryonic stage?
A. All chordates
B. Some chordates
C. Vertebrates
D. Non chordates